Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bed Wetting In Children How Can I Remedy My Children's Bed Wetting? They Are 6, 4 And 2 Years Respectively.?

How can I remedy my children's bed wetting? They are 6, 4 and 2 years respectively.? - bed wetting in children

Let my children have a weak bladder problem itself and I think I have inherited my own father said that the problem in his youth. I had problems with bed wetting exceeded until the age of 20 and only in subsequent years. My wife has this problem and I think my children have the problem of weak bladder I inherited. I am determined to help them, before young people, because I had a terrible psychological feeling like a teenager, when people often become the laughing stock of me. I do not want to take my children the same experience. What must I do to help?


kbmoose1 said...

This problem is spreading. Well, why not. But the companies are investing money in order to hide the development and commercialization of products - it must be large enough to be profitable.

Medical study and sleep disorders, sleep disorders ". My oldest daughter has this problem until 16 had. Avoid Using a low voltage lamp, sleeping too deeply helped some, but it has fought against its use. A prescription has helped, but was only effective if they are caught - and not for a long period.

The Japanese have made some progress in treatment.

Good luck

Jenny R said...

It is necessary to create a time before going to sleep when no fluids are given to children. This should be a routine and, of course, go to the bathroom before bedtime. Also ask for help, your family doc, there are things that you do for him.
Establish a routine and keep his children often sleep too much and she got up to go to the toilet and not the feeling that the bladder is full. Good luck

krishnam... said...

, To have the bladder is empty before you go to bed. Note: Wetting and their schedules around the time that they are to empty the bladder. They develop confidence in themselves to say again and again: "I do not go to bed, especially before bed almost like a prayer.

It's just me said...

Give them a break fluids and make sure to pee before you go to bed. Waking up in the middle of the night and have to go back, even if they save even twice. My cousin lived with us in the wet bed until she was 15 and doing my mother. 2 months later, heard it and I think he has done since then.

comeovah... said...

will grow out of it
the blame for the BC BC, it is not your fault
Goodnites enter something about them and not try to show that everyone feels negatively on them
do not worry
if the doctor knows
and how they all have in their genetic
and will be a joke of the day yesterday

emucompb... said...

Dear Abby used to recommend a cry of alarm "warning wee. I do not know if it still exists, but what products do. Without the support of my visit this page, or just Google for" wee warning ' ...

ohsweeta... said...

fight hard.

JAG said...

You're right, most bedwetting is hereditary. Your children are very young, mainly children between the ages of 4 and 2 years for inclusion in any program. Also to be done at 6, which most doctors do not recommend to throw everything up to the age of 7 or until the children.

There are some techniques you can use - in contrast to many of the responses of the water retention is often not the solution. If your children are really urination, in which I can not last long experience during the day, you can work with them to build muscles to continue to make even a minute if they feel they have to do. In addition, will help with start and stop the flow of urine while to achieve this control.

But, says many children in the control group during the day that he wakes up at night, when your body is your brain that lies ahead. We have had great success with the enuresis alarm Malem. We use it with my father when he was 7 and after 3 weeks in the night was dry. It's expensive, about $ 100, but it's worth, and now it seems we mustfor use with my 4 years, one day.

Good luck.

babbles said...

What is your doctor?

What's not try to feed liquids after dinner and a glass of milk, whether at dinner.

Before sunset, all have a routine of bathing, brushing teeth, urinating.

Set the alarm for a few hours later, after all, one after the other, and use the bathroom again.

See what happens to them in the morning. When wet the bed, a signal for another time to wake up twice instead of once.

I am a little worried that if I awaken more than once may result in a pattern of sleep, but again, I bet half asleep in the middle of the night and did not even know that they are working to urinate.

In any case, they need one of the layers at night for older children, which seems a very good idea, especially if the child is invited to a dream.

Luck. Hope this helps.

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