Saturday, January 9, 2010

Best Calcium Supplement Best Time To Take A Calcium Supplement With Vitamin D Supplement?

Best time to take a calcium supplement with Vitamin D supplement? - best calcium supplement

I take 50,000 IU vitamin D twice a week for a deficiency. I wonder if the best time to take my calcium if I will be vitamin D. For example, much calcium is absorbed when taken together or one hour apart? Does it matter?


oldtimek... said...

Vitamin D helps calcium absorption, together, at least 2-3 times a day, and never more than 600 mg of calcium at once. The body can not absorb more than 600 mg of calcium at any given time it will take at least 1000 mg per day for optimal bone health (ergo) 2-3 doses per day. It could take at once or individually in the stores of vitamin D in the system, but ideally you vitamin D with calcium on a regular basis (eg if you are not mega-dose).

Maybe you want a larger amount of vitamin D, calcium, but I recommend you consult your physician has a greater amount of vitamin D or if it is not safe to try at home to overcome the deficit with mega doses of vitamin D. Note also, vitamin D is one of the many nutrients that contribute to the absorption of calcium ... There are also magnesium, boron, vitamin K, silicon, copper or zinc, and Ipriflavone and others. Good luck and I hope I helped!

Tink said...

When taking this drug no role in the intake of calcium, because it stays in your system - they are not pissing all day ...

So take your calcium in divided doses (split during the day) and take it with food, if you can - it helps a little bit after the takeover - but if you take it to mean, in memory of an empty stomach, with all means, take it on an empty stomach.

Good Luck

chantui said...

Minerals in Chinese medicine often used in formulas to sleep you.

Sharlene said...


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